Re: Cancelation of membership. (AARGH!!)

From: Andrew Ritchie (
Date: 05/16/00


> Somehow I don't think putting a notice there is going to help, because
> they're obviously not reading the FAQ lines either.

Ok, ok, so he didn't know how to unsubscribe from the list - it's always
going to happen, so let's not all start harassing the poor guy.  And as for
reading the FAQ, it could be argued that others don't read it either.

"Also, sig files should be kept to a minimum if at all possible. This means
less than five lines please."


> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>   B. Brown
> TimeTraveller
>   Senior Programmer                                      'Lost in Time,
>   U&A Software InterActive                            'and Loving it!'
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

I count 7.

- Andrew Ritchie :)

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