-----Original Message----- From: Brian Dube [mailto:brian_dube@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 2:38 PM To: CIRCLE@post.queensu.ca Subject: [CIRCLE] [CODE] I have two questions that I can't find the answers to.. 1) I don't see how nanny() reads a CR after the MOTD because all CON_RMOTD does is print the menu and switch to CON_MENU 2) I can't find how/where socials are being implemented. Didn't socials used to have their own entry in the command list? Despite that, I can't find anything in the way commands are called that would take care of socials (including special()) I apologize if these are dumb questions but I've been working with Circle code a long time but just recently started again with a more recent patch level. -----Reply----- Question 1) nanny() doesn't read CR input, comm.c does. comm.c handles all input and output from/to the network connections. Input and output is queued and when it comes time in game_loop to process_input then process_output they get received and sent. send_to_char() doesn't actually send stuff right away, it is attached to the descriptor's output string and then sent in game_loop(). Question 2) socials are half in a file called lib/misc/socials and the rest are in act.social.c. You need to put the command information in interpreter.c so that a user can actually type it in, but it's handled by the function do_action(). Read /doc/socials.doc for more information. Rick +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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