Re: [LONG]Strange Loop

From: Benjamin Draper (
Date: 05/20/00

 Thank you Chris!

 You're spot on with null_time being the problem. I'm not sure how,
whether it's through select, or an overrun, it doesn't stay at 0 for
very long. I took your advice and now have:

>     do {
        null_time.tv_sec = 0;
        null_time.tv_usec = 0;
>       circle_sleep(&timeout);
>       gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
>       timediff(&timeout, &last_time, &now);
>     } while (timeout.tv_usec || timeout.tv_sec);

 My tests were done using stock Circle30bpl16, so the only changes were
the debug output, so perhaps your little addition should make it into
bpl18? George?

Thanks again!

-> Ben

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