I've just put in ASCII pfiles and thankfully it's working, I wrote a pfile converter (i'll give you the shortened version of it): ACMD(do_pfileconv) { FILE *fl, *nfl, *ifl; struct char_file_u player; struct affected_type *aff, tmp_aff[MAX_AFFECT]; char bits[127]; int done = 0, i; if (!(fl = fopen(PLAYER_FILE, "r+"))) { perror("Can't open player file for converting"); return; } if (!(ifl = fopen("/pfiles/plr_index", "r+"))) { perror("Can't open player file for converting"); return; } while (!done) { fread(&player, sizeof(struct char_file_u), 1, fl); if (feof(fl)) { fclose(fl); done=TRUE; } if (!done) { sprintf(buf, "/pfiles/%s", player.name); if (!(nfl = fopen(buf, "w"))) { perror("Can't open converted player file"); return; } fprintf(ifl, "%d %s %d 0 %d\n", player.char_specials_saved.idnum, player.name, player.level, player.played); if(player.name) fprintf(nfl, "Name: %s\n", player.name); /* Obviously i got more than this saved to the file, but there's no point in spamming */ fclose(nfl); sprintf(buf, "%s converted.\n", player.name); send_to_char(buf, ch); } } fprintf(ifl, "~\n"); fclose(ifl); send_to_char("\r\nPfile Converted!\r\n", ch); return; } basically ifl = the index file nfl = ascii pfile fl = binary pfile and basically it can't open my binary pfile, since showplay.c can open it and my mud is working, i assumed it must be something i've done wrong. can anyone see anything wrong with that converter? the error is Can't open player file for converting: No such file or directory Thanx Subliminal P.S. The bug i found was in the sprintbits() function in the ascii code, one of the checks was: if (vektor & 1) and i think it should be if (vektor & (1 << i)) +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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