Re: Confusing crash... *sigh* :)

From: Chris Gilbert (
Date: 05/29/00

The Merciless Lord of Everything wrote:


> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x804cd87 in perform_act (orig=0x81370e5 "p.", ch=0x863a8e8,
> obj=0x86191b8, vict_obj=0x0, to=0x863a8e8) at comm.c:2033
> #1  0x804cf71 in act (str=0x81370c0 "There doesn't seem to be a coins in
> $p.", hide_invisible=0, ch=0x863a8e8, obj=0x86191b8, vict_obj=0x0,
> type=4) at comm.c:2086

> (gdb) frame 1
> #1  0x804cf71 in act (str=0x81370c0 "There doesn't seem to be a coins in
> $p.", hide_invisible=0, ch=0x863a8e8, obj=0x86191b8, vict_obj=0x0,
> type=4) at comm.c:2086

The crash happened in frame 0, not frame 1.  surely you need to look at
the code where it crashed in frame 0 and see if that hints at why you
crashed.  Deciding if an obj looks ok is not that easy (there's that
much stuff in them)  it's only if you actually look at the code and see
what it tried to do...


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