OLC Compile errors: v2.0 with bl17

From: doomzday (doomzday@easynet.co.uk)
Date: 05/29/00

Anyone know whats going wrong here?

D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\constants.h(39) : error C2373: 'rev_dir' :
redefinition; different type modifiers
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\constants.h(40) : error C2373: 'movement_loss' :
redefinition; different type modifiers
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\objsave.c(680) : warning C4101: 'obj' :
unreferenced local variable
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\comm.c(475) : error C2065: 'max_playing' :
undeclared identifier
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\comm.c(1189) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1
different from declaration
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\fight.c(31) : error C2373: 'str_app' :
redefinition; different type modifiers
D:\13th\circle30bpl17\src\fight.c(32) : error C2373: 'dex_app' :
redefinition; different type modifiers

Max_playing i think ive got put down to a typo, but the other are baffling
me, ive just used the stock code without any modifications. Im using MSvc
4.0 on Win98.

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