Sv: Re: [CIRCLE] CircleMud Patch level 17 [BUG]

From: Jan Pedersen (
Date: 06/14/00

I just wanna say i downloaded the bpl17 the other day and compiled it, and say worked fine
then i downloaded OasisOLCv2_0a-bpl17_patch and after that say didnt work, but it is fixed

the other thing is im trying to add colors, and i have to add this to the Makefile:
class.o: class.c conf.h sysdep.h structs.h db.h utils.h spells.h interpreter.h
 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) class.c

But the Makefile doesnt seem to contain what other versions Makefile has, have the Makefile
been split up into more files

there is a depend file but doesnt really look like a place to put the above text with CFLAGS ????

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