Re: Dgscripts (was: forgot)

From: Erik Einebaerholm (
Date: 07/20/00


> However, even for the sort of kludge it is, dgscripts already provides all
> these admirably enough.  Shouldn't we concentrate on making what we have
> better, rather that starting over with something that isn't even made to
> integrate with our mud in the first place?
Which brings me on to the discussion, I'm currently
looking into the scripts (code).. And as there has
been mentioned before, there are some bugs and minor
problems when using the DG-structure as it is now.
Are there anyone working with this (developing/improving)
that want to share/help out, or is there already
a public project for this (except for some outdated pages) ?

If you've got some ideas or anything just send them, I'll
make a note of what I've seen on the subject and send it
to the list, as my vacation starts Friday I've got some time.

* Erik,

Short introduction:
Currently helping out Serces with "The Realm of Chaos",
24 years old, programming is a hobby, but currently
not my work.

P.S: please forgive me if the mail looks abit out of shape, I have to
 use some web-based mailthingy until my connection at home is ok.

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