Improved isname function and abbreviations support

From: Juliano Ravasi Ferraz (
Date: 08/05/00

   Hi everybody.

   Looking on a thread about the isname() improvement (started at Jun
19, 2000), where the player can use special combinated keywords like
"sword.long" and "vial.white" to referencing to objects; and a today's
thread about abreviations, I have created a new isname() function with
both support.

   I have uploaded the result to CircleMUD FTP, but until it is put on a
public-readable directory on the FTP site, it is downloadable from the
following URL:

   Tips, questions and bug reports are welcome.


----=[ Juliano Ravasi Ferraz ]=----=[ ]=----
     Rayon Eletrônica e Informática Ltda. - Linkway Descalvado

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