Hi friends. :) I'm using circle bpl17 with ascii player files and I have made a code to show the players that had more deaths. But sometimes (not always, sometimes), I used the kgdb to read the core file and I found Segmentation Fault error. This is the code (I'll to show the line where the error occurs): void mural_vermes(struct char_data * ch) { char buft1[1000]; char jogador[20]; int jogadores[10] = {}; int niveljog=0; extern struct player_index_element *player_table; int j, i, morte = 0; struct char_data *victim=NULL; struct char_data *ler=NULL; *buft1 = '\0'; morte = 0; niveljog = 99999; sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "\r\n|========================================|\r\n"); sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "|===========MURAL=DOS=VERMES=============|\r\n"); sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "| |\r\n"); for (i =0; i < 10; i++){ for (j = 0; j <= top_of_p_table; j++){ if((victim=is_playing((player_table +j)->name))) { if(GET_MORTES(victim) >= morte && find_verme(GET_IDNUM(victim), jogadores) == -1){ if (GET_MORTES(victim) == morte && GET_LEVEL(victim) > niveljog) { } else { strcpy(jogador, GET_NAME(victim)); morte = GET_MORTES(victim); niveljog = GET_LEVEL(victim); jogadores[i] = GET_IDNUM(victim); } } } else { CREATE(ler, struct char_data, 1); clear_char(ler); CREATE(ler->player_specials, struct player_special_data, 1); load_char((player_table + j)->name, ler); if(ler->player_specials->saved.mortes >= morte && find_verme(ler->char_specials.saved.idnum, jogadores) == -1){ if(ler->player_specials->saved.mortes == morte && ler->player.level > niveljog){ } else { ==> strcpy(jogador, ler->player.name); ====================> this is the line where the error occurs morte = ler->player_specials->saved.mortes; niveljog = ler->player.level; jogadores[i] = ler->char_specials.saved.idnum; } free_char(ler); } } } if (morte > 0) sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "| [%3d] %-20s %3d morte%s |\r\n", niveljog, jogador, morte, morte == 1 ? " " : "s"); morte = 0; niveljog = 99999; } sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "| |\r\n"); sprintf(buft1 + strlen(buft1), "|========================================|\r\n"); send_to_char(buft1, ch); } Thx, Khayman. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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