Re: Admin vs. Player

From: Patrick Dughi (
Date: 08/31/00

> The "player killer" flag is a out-of-character and extremely non-RPG idea,
> in my opinion.  It looks like it was put there more for administrative
> purposes.  ONLY ADMINS should see the PK flag.

        I'm assuming that you're talking about the (KILLER) which shows up
when you've been flagged a 'player killer'.  This automatically assumes
that you have disallowed player vs. player combat in your mud.

        I agree that the player killer flag is out of character.  However,
so is not being able to (attempt to) kill anyone you meet.  In this case,
you're already committed to an OOC setting, and you're allowing an IC way
of dealing with it (ie, the person with the killer flag can be more easily
hunted).  You wouldn't get a pk flag if pk'ing was allowed, now would you?

        When it comes down to it, if your mud revolves around a !ooc game,
you will probably have code-unrestricted player killing.  That's how it
goes :).


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