Re: Help File structure missing?

From: Alex (
Date: 01/06/01

>         From what I can tell, stock help files are something like:
> index file=
> ----------
> <filename>
> <filename>
>     .
>     .
>     .
> $~
This is the format for all index files in CircleMUD.  Actually, come to
think of it, the file end marker is a simple '$'.  You do not need the

> <list of single word keywords>
> <multiline description of help entry>
> #
This is 'stock' CircleMUD help format.

For example:


This is a stupid little sample help file to show the format.


The help file also ends with a '$'.  The entry that comes up with 'help'
is found in the 'screen' file.  Any variations on this are due to
non-stock patches (ie, hedit).  I can't help you with those formats at
all (since I have never used them, never seen them, and use a better
system on my own mud anyhow.  (= )


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