I have searched over and over again for this error, but am having no luck. Also, I edit the Makefile.in instead of Makefile, since the changes save over after configure. Is this a problem? Here is the error: Makefile:35: *** missing separator. Stop. OBJFILES = act.comm.o act.informative.o act.item.o act.movement.o \ act.offensive.o act.other.o act.social.o act.wizard.o alias.o assemblies.o \ assedit.o ban.o boards.o castle.o class.o comm.o config.o constants.o db.o \ dg_comm.o dg_db_scripts.o dg_event.o dg_handler.o dg_mobcmd.o dg_misc.o \ dg_objcmd.o dg_scripts.o dg_triggers.o dg_wldcmd.o dg_olc.o diskio.o fight.o \ genmob.o genobj.o genolc.o genshp.o genwld.o genzon.o graph.o handler.o hedit.o \ house.o improved-edit.o interpreter.o limits.o magic.o mail.o medit.o mobact.o \ modify.o oasis.o objsave.o oedit.o random.o redit.o sedit.o shop.o \ spec_assign.o spec_procs.o spell_parser.o spells.o tedit.o utils.o weather.o \ zedit.o ------------------------> Line 35 CXREF_FILES = act.comm.c act.informative.c act.item.c act.movement.c \ act.offensive.c act.other.c act.social.c act.wizard.c alias.c assemblies.c \ assedit.c ban.c boards.c castle.c class.c comm.c config.c constants.c db.c \ dg_comm.c dg_db_scripts.c dg_event.c dg_handler.c dg_mobcmd.c dg_misc.c \ dg_objcmd.c dg_scripts.c dg_triggers.c dg_wldcmd.c dg_olc.c diskio.c fight.c \ genmob.c genobj.c genolc.c genshp.c genwld.c genzon.c graph.c handler.c hedit.c \ house.c improved-edit.c interpreter.c limits.c magic.c mail.c medit.c mobact.c \ modify.c oasis.c objsave.c oedit.c random.c redit.c sedit.c shop.c \ spec_assign.c spec_procs.c spell_parser.c spells.c tedit.c utils.c weather.c \ zedit.c -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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