Re: [CODE]Curious about this block in do_olc

From: George Greer (
Date: 01/09/01

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Peter Ajamian wrote:

>  /* WARNING!  **DO NOT** under any circumstances remove the code
>below!!!!  */
>  if (strcmp(GET_NAME(ch), "Ras")) {
>    send_to_char("OLC is not yet complete.  Sorry.\r\n", ch);
>    return;
>  }
>  /* WARNING!  **DO NOT** under any circumstances remove the code
>above!!!!  */
>Anyone have any idea what that's for?

So no one tries to use the incomplete OLC function in stock CircleMUD. We
should just rip it out and say use the user-contributed ones.

Jeremy's old implementor name was 'Rasmussen' and I probably spelled it
completely wrong.  Anyway, it abbreviated to 'Ras' which is the above name.

George Greer            | If it's about the CircleMUD mailing list,   | mail instead.

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