From: Shane P. Lee (
Date: 01/13/01

Here's a quick snippet on how to add color to your prompts
in comm.c

Search for:
  static char prompt[MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH + 1];

Add below this:
  int clvl=0;
  if(d->character) clvl=COLOR_LEV(d->character);

Add the colors you want in your prompts.

Search for:
  return (prompt);

Before this, add:
    proc_color(prompt, clvl);

The last three lines of this function should look like:

    proc_color(prompt, clvl);
   return (prompt);

And that should do it.

Since I did all this from memory, you should back up your
comm.c file before attempting this, but it should work
just fine.
Also, it would be a good idea to add more PLR_x flags, so
that your players have some choices with their prompt colors.

Good luck :-)

"This process can check if this value is zero, and if it
is, it does something child-like."
                -- Forbes Burkowski, Computer Science 454

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