Re: [NEWBIE] Compiling a stock circle I got from ceramicmouse

From: Peter Ajamian (
Date: 01/23/01

Brandon Allen wrote:
> that would be my fault .... anyone on this list have access to modify
> the content of the ftp site can you add that to the readme or
> possably remove that file from the archive ......
> i am sorry that i left that in the archive

You're not alone.  I think that one of the most common errors people
make when submitting a server as a contribution is they neglect to
delete the generated files (config.*, Makefile, *.o, circle and other
binaries, etc.).  When someone posts with a problem with compiling a
contributed server that's the first thing that I think of.

> and thanks Peter for assisting him with that question if i was not so
> bussy i would have seen that E-mail and posted the solution

Always glad to help.  :)

Regards, Peter

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