On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, FRASHiE wrote: > First off, pally, I didn't say prior to. [...] I've taken this privately and FRASHiE has sent me what I will interpret as an apologetic reply. Suffice it to say that he is frustrated. Please do not bother continuing his thread on the list, especially not with the intent of flaming him for his impetuous reply. I will be attempting to help him off-list. ObCircle: How do you all propose handling the weather constants for times? As an example, the original weather.c line is: if ((time_info.month >= 9) && (time_info.month <= 16)) which I changed to: if (time_info.month > (MUD_MONTHS_PER_YEAR/2) && time_info.month < MUD_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) similar code, someone pointed out, appears in db.c for the middle of the year. Is this technique sufficient or should I introduce more constants to defines the seasons? The current list of constants needed: MUD_HOUR_PER_DAY MUD_DAY_PER_WEEK MUD_DAY_PER_MONTH MUD_MONTH_PER_YEAR MUD_HOUR_SUN_RISE MUD_HOUR_SUN_LIGHT MUD_HOUR_SUN_SET MUD_HOUR_SUN_DARK I'm actually leaning towards the introduction of more #defines. The sole purpose for this is flexibility. I chose the more flexible approach for the hours of sun rise, etc. One particular effect this might have is redefining MUD_HOUR_SUN_x to use a table indexed by time_info.month so that you can realistically model longer days during the summer and shorter days during the winter, or maybe even have several days where the sun does not rise at all. Flexibility is also the reason for keeping the days per week and the number of days per month separate (instead of doing, say, MUD_DAY_PER_WEEK and MUD_WEEK_PER_MONTH). If you wanted to model our calendar system, for instance, you could not because the number of days in a month cannot usually be evenly divided by the number of days in a week (the exception is February in non-leap years) and is dependent upon the month. My thought on the ubiquitous beginning_of_time is to eliminate the constant, and let people define their starting year. The time of first running will be used to record the initial time so time will continue to elapse while the mud is down/etc.: unsigned long make_epoch_file(void) { unsigned long epoch; FILE *fp; if (!(fp = fopen(EPOCH_FILE, "w"))) { perror(EPOCH_FILE); exit(1); } epoch = (unsigned long) time(0); fwrite((char *) &epoch, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp); return (epoch); } unsigned long fetch_epoch() { unsigned long epoch; FILE *fp = fopen(EPOCH_FILE, "r"); if (!fp || !fread((char *) &epoch, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp)) { if (fp) { log("%s: Badly formed. Overwriting.", EPOCH_FILE); fclose(fp); } epoch = make_epoch_file(); } return (epoch); } Thoughts on this method? Hopefully with these (and other) changes, it'll be much easier to define the time period for your CircleMUD. CircleMUDs are almost always in the fantasy genre and, without regard to genre, tend to de-emphasize themeatic elements such as the period. I don't believe this is endemic of the developers, but a problem with the software not making it convenient to design for your theme. Hopefully, the removal of the bizarre constants will open the door for more variety. -dak -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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