I rebooted the MUD and did the same thin and got the following: 8H 1317M 259V > stat blacksmith male MOB 'a blacksmith' IDNum: [ 0], In room [ 125] Alias: blacksmith, VNum: [ 105], RNum: [ 10] Title: <None> L-Des: A blacksmith is hard at work here. Monster Class: Normal, Lev: [30], XP: [ 5000], Align: [-340] Str: [11/0] Int: [11] Wis: [11] Dex: [11] Con: [11] Cha: [11] Hit p.:[-31061/-31061+30] Mana p.:[10/10+30] Move p.:[50/50+30] Coins: [ 100], Bank: [ 0] (Total: 100) AC: [-100+0/10], Hitroll: [25], Damroll: [-96], Saving throws: [0/0/0/0/0] Pos: Standing, Fighting: Nobody, Attack type: hit Default position: Standing, Idle Timer (in tics) [0] NPC flags: SENTINEL ISNPC MEMORY !CHARM !SUMMN !SLEEP !BLIND Mob Spec-Proc: Exists, NPC Bare Hand Dam: 2d5 Carried: weight: 0, items: 2; Items in: inventory: 2, eq: 1 Master is: <none>, Followers are: AFF: !TRACK 18H 1317M 259V > switch blacksmith Okay. a blacksmith> in You are carrying: a sword a chest plate a blacksmith> The inventory shows up! Josh -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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