Re: [CODE] Stuck with recieving data from descriptor....

From: Pure Krome (
Date: 06/16/01

Hello All again.

    Thank kindly Daniel for your email. I didn't think anyone would really
reply to my thread. Your indepth discussion was a godsend.

    Firstly, i'm going to babble a bit, so I appologise if
    1) This email is long
    2) My solution is really obvious and dumb, or wrong.

    I read over it a couple of times, and I kept thinking about the
following concept / statement you mentioned in my proposal.

>> So we buffer the text.
>> So we tack #2 onto the end of the buffer.
>> We tack that onto the end of the buffer ...

    And i kept thinking, yeah .. that all good, but i failed to mention that

    To me, this ment -> *when* do i buffer?

    And then your entire email made sence with regards to my blond, lame
~protocol~ i'm using. [I'm not sure if PROTOCOL is the correct word, but

    With my version of the stock code, i've create a new STRIPPED DOWN
version of  struct descriptor_data *d;

    I've called it struct client_descriptor_data *cd;

    It basically just handles text in and out and holds a few extra char *'s
(username ....). I didn't want to recycle the huge descriptor_data becuase
it held a lot of wasted structs, char *'s, this that etc... which i would
never be using for my unique MUD-CLIENT SOFTWARE.

    This new client descriptor sends text [SEND_TO_CLIENT_Q(..)] in the
format [CLIENT_OK || CLIENT_ERROR] <text>.

    the CLIENT_OK || CLIENT_ERROR are MUD side states.

    An Example of a failed client login would be :-

    SEND_TO_CLIENT_Q ("[CLIENT_ERROR] Name Error :: Invalid Characters
detected.", cd);

I'm sorry if this is dragging on, so i'll explain my point with regard to
how i know when to buffer and when NOT to buffer...

    If i *ASSUME / KNOW* that i'm reciving information from the mud in the
following format :- <STATUS> <TEXT>   I can then assume that if the current
packet recieved does NOT contain a <STATUS>, i just ~BUFFER~ it.

    I'm using the TCP stack, so i assume that all my packets / text are
recieved in ORDER..
>> The only time you should need packet numbering schemes is when you're
using a protocol that doesn't guarantee the transmission order of the data.

So there you have it!

Thank you so much Daniel for helping me :)

Sincerly: Justin

Everan Roseblade                    
Eternal Visions Mud

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