Re: Long long int's and sprintf

From: Mike Stilson (
Date: 06/16/01

On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 04:17:38PM -0700, Peter Ajamian came up with this idea:
> "Daniel A. Koepke" wrote:
> >
> > strtoul() works for unsigned long int, not unsigned long long int.  Thus,
> > strtoul() probably won't work.
> C99 has strtoull() and probably most earlier implementations with an
> unsigned long long type do also.  That would work.

Just put in gcc3.0 and yup, works fine (as long as you remember to fill in all
of the fields) for some sick, twisted reason I had a version of 2.95 that didn't
want to use c99.

(And oddly enough, 3.0 took about 28k off the size of the compiled mud)

$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
        unsigned long long int to;
        char *from="-1";

        to = strtoull(from, NULL, 10);
        /* for some reason mine don't figure out the fields itself,
           and stays undefined eventhough it's in stdlib.h  no biggie */

        printf("size: %d %#x %Lu %Ld %ld %lu %u %d\n", sizeof(to), to, to, to, to, to, to, to);

$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -o test test.c
test.c: In function `main':
test.c:10: warning: implicit declaration of function `strtoull'
test.c:12: warning: unsigned int format, different type arg (arg 3)
test.c:12: warning: long int format, different type arg (arg 6)
test.c:12: warning: long unsigned int format, different type arg (arg 7)
test.c:12: warning: unsigned int format, different type arg (arg 8)
test.c:12: warning: int format, different type arg (arg 9)

$ ./test
size: 8 0xffffffff 18446744073709551615 -1 -1 4294967295 4294967295 -1


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