Re: Max level

From: Tony Robbins (
Date: 06/28/01

----- Original Message -----
From: "Its Me Christian" <cd_fl@HOTMAIL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: [CIRCLE] Max level

> \src\tedit.c(85) : warning C4305: 'initializing' : truncation from 'const
> int ' to 'char '
> tedit...
> fields[] = {
> /* edit the lvls to your own needs */
> <<<<< Here down i get the warnings   (line below is line 85)>>>>>
> { "credits",    LVL_IMPL,       &credits,       2400,   CREDITS_FILE},
> { "news",       LVL_GRGOD,      &news,          8192,   NEWS_FILE},
> { "motd",       LVL_GRGOD,      &motd,          2400,   MOTD_FILE},
> { "imotd",      LVL_IMPL,       &imotd,         2400,   IMOTD_FILE},
> { "help",       LVL_GRGOD,      &help,          2400,   HELP_PAGE_FILE},
> { "info",       LVL_GRGOD,      &info,          8192,   INFO_FILE},
> { "background", LVL_IMPL,       &background,    8192,   BACKGROUND_FILE},
> { "handbook",   LVL_IMPL,       &handbook,      8192,   HANDBOOK_FILE},
> { "policies",   LVL_IMPL,       &policies,      8192,   POLICIES_FILE},
> { "\n",         0,              NULL,           0,      NULL }


From tedit.c on my machine.

  struct {
    char *cmd;
    char level;
    const char **buffer;
    int  size;
    char *filename;
  } fields[] = {

Note that level is a variable of type 'char'.

Now, from the error, that you're truncating a 'const int' to a 'char', I'd
assume that instead of using
#define LVL_IMPL    (number)'ve changed your source to:
const int LVL_IMPL = (number);

...where (number) is whatever level you're setting it to.  So the problem
is, you're truncating a const int to a char.  Which it's warning you
(wisely), because a (signed) char will only hold -128 to 127, so when you
exceed that, you go down in flames.

Change your LVL_IMPL declaration back to how stock is, or change "char
level;" to "int level;"--it might warn that you're ignoring the "const", but
that shouldn't be an issue.

(feeling helpful tonight, I guess)

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