Re: Curious question for act.comm.c

From: Del (
Date: 09/01/01

Mike Breuer wrote:
> This is one of those examples of using global buffers in a potentially
> dangerous way.  Note, that it IS necessary to assign papername and penname
> to something, since they are declared merely as pointers and there is no
> storage behind them.  Without starting up the whole global vs. local buffers
> debate again, let me just comment that this is particularly dangerous
> because it is not as obvious that the global buffers are being used in this
> function.  I would recommend the following change:
>  ACMD(do_write)
>  {
>    struct obj_data *paper, *pen = NULL;
> -  char *papername, *penname;
> +  char papername[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], penname[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
> -  papername = buf1;
> -  penname = buf2;
> A _quick_ glance at the function didn't show any potential problems with
> this.  It looks like papername and penname point to those buffers throughout
> the rest of the function.

Ahhhhhhh I missed that. Would it not be just as wise to
char *penname = NULL, *papername = NULL;

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