Re: [code] parse error with guilds

From: Grimau Lysik'an (
Date: 09/06/01

>From: Brian Jenkins <brianjenkins@ATT.NET>
>I tried to install the guild patch by Yohay Etsion.
>I think i did everything right i followed the handpatching
>doc to the letter. Well anyway i seem to be having
>difficulties any help would be much apprieciated
>this is the error message I get:
>act.informative.c:48: parse error before 'char'
>make[1] *** [act.infomative.o] error 1
>48: char *get_title(struct char data *ch);

That should be char_data.
The compiler will be happy, then.
Aren't typos fun?
Grimau Lysik'an, The Bionic Elf

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