From: "Pj Bean" <pj_bean@HOTMAIL.COM> > Below is your code all fixed up, Should have 0 problems, -- snip -- > char *name = NULL, position = NULL; -- snip -- > argument = one_argument(argument, name); > one_argument(argument,position); This will definitely cause problems. one_argument expects a buffer (allocated memory). The second call SHOULD generate a compiler error, since position is a char, not a string. The tests on these variables are also invalid. > if (!(victim = get_char_vis(ch, name, NULL, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) { Perhaps I'm just using older code (bpl17), but my version of get_char_vis() only takes three parameters. > if (!strcmp(position,"immortal") || !strcmp(position,"Immortal")) Circle includes str_cmp() (in utils.c) which is a case-insensitive version of strcmp. This gives a bit more flexibility, since it will catch things like "iMmortal". Mike -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: | | Archives: | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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