Re: News and mail added to prompt

From: Mike Breuer (
Date: 11/27/01

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Le Gros" <rlegros4@HOTMAIL.COM>
> i.e.
> 18H 100M 100V (mail) (news)>
> Anyone have this on their MUD or have a suggestion on how I would go about
> doing it?

Simplest solution, in comm.c, make_prompt(..):

    if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_DISPMOVE))
      count += sprintf(prompt + count, "%dV ", GET_MOVE(d->character));

+   count += sprintf(prompt + count, "%s",
+                    (has_mail(GET_IDNUM(d->character)) ? "(mail) " : "");

I would recommend also adding a PRF_DISPMAIL flag so that users can turn it
off.  News would be similar, but I don't know offhand how you would
determine whether there is "new" news.


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