Re: virtual/real variable types

From: George Greer (
Date: 12/07/01

On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, The Arrow wrote:

>On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, George Greer wrote:
>> So no, you should not have it.  I need to go beat shop.c into submission
>> and use 'shop_[vr]num' more than 'int' first anyway.
>About shop_rnum/shop_vnum being of type 'int': Why them and not the other
>rnum/vnum types? Changing all rnum/vnum types to 'int' gives you a much
>wider range of rooms/mobs/etc to play with, and it's still safe to use bad
>checks against -1.  :)

Shops are currently 'int' because I just haven't audited shop.c yet.
Changing obj/mob/room/zone to 'int' kills your player and object files.

George Greer

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