Re: Fire Shield / Lightning Shield

From: John (
Date: 12/08/01

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Cole"  ranted
> In all honesty, you confused me more...

Sigh, teach a man how to fish...a bugger it.

Add whatever you want at the end of perform_violence, but add the
following checks since you are not calling hit()

if (FIGHTING(ch) != NULL && (ch->in_room != FIGHTING(ch)->in_room)) {
<add your fireshield here>
<PS: Make sure vict = FIGHTING(ch)>
damage(blah, blah)

if (FIGHTING(ch) != NULL && (ch->in_room != FIGHTING(ch)->in_room)) {
<add your lightning shield here>
blah blah blah

etc etc

PS: I am assuming that when ch dies from a fireshield etc, that

Now, please please read my previous email and try to understand it.

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