Re: [CIRLCE][NEWBIE]Score Command

From: Patrick Dughi (
Date: 03/02/02

> >When ever i type sc it makes it so i scream..i want it
> >to show score..stand to..i type st and it stares at
> >the sky..when i want it to stand? Where in the code do
> >i change it so actions come last or??thanks for
> >helping me..
> Re-order the command table in interpreter.c.

        Actually, i just duplicated a section of code in interpreter.c in
command interpreter.  When you're checking to see if someone called a
command (or called a command by it's abbreviation), just verify that it's
not a pointer to do_action().  Then, perform another loop (aka, the
original) where it doesn't matter.

        That way, socials are always after 'real' commands.

        (wonder how this affects aliases?)


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