Re: Problems with the Poll.patch

From: Daniel A. Koepke (
Date: 03/23/02

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Kevin Dethlefs wrote:

> When it tries to read the index file for it, it has "Mar 23 22:54:29
> :: SYSERR: boot error - 0 records counted in text/polls//index."
> Notice the two /'s.

The number of slashes is unimportant.  If you're sceptical, you can try
`ls /////usr/////////bin//vi` from the command line.  The number of
slashes is insignificant on every system I use (various Linux, SunOS, and
Solaris boxen).

Either add a poll file to lib/text/polls/index or change index_boot() to
not care if there are no polls by finding the code that reads:

    /* Exit if 0 records, unless this is shops */
    if (!rec_count) {
      if (mode == DB_BOOT_SHP)

and changing the line with DB_BOOT_SHP in it to read

      if (mode == DB_BOOT_SHP || mode == DB_BOOT_POLLS)


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