Code - about the score function

From: SoulReaper Is here (
Date: 04/05/02

I found an important part in the score function missing, naming the stats
like Strength dexterity and so forth, so i went into the act.wizard.c file
and copied the code from do_stat

sprintf(buf, "Str: [%s%d/%d%s]  Int: [%s%d%s]  Wis: [%s%d%s]  "
          "Dex: [%s%d%s]  Con: [%s%d%s]  Cha: [%s%d%s]\r\n",
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_STR(k), GET_ADD(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_INT(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_WIS(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_DEX(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CON(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CHA(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM));
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

and change all the k's into ch's
so that it will show the stats on the player that uses it.

sprintf(buf, "Str: [%s%d/%d%s]  Int: [%s%d%s]  Wis: [%s%d%s]  "
          "Dex: [%s%d%s]  Con: [%s%d%s]  Cha: [%s%d%s]\r\n",
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_STR(ch), GET_ADD(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_INT(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_WIS(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_DEX(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CON(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM),
          CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), GET_CHA(ch), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM));
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

it would look like this when you paste it in act.informative.c in the
do_score section.

if you want hitroll and damroll and saving throws the same way applies.. i
know many is experienced enough to make the piece of code themselves.. but
i'm fairly new myself and this was a relatively easy way out :) and i know
that many misses the function in score that shows the stats instead of being
needed to use identify scrolls. I hope i have been helpful, seeing as i will
need much help myself.

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