Re: CODE: fread_string()

From: Daniel A. Koepke (
Date: 04/24/02

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Peter Finlayson wrote:

> [...] then reads 512 bytes from a file into 'tmp' [...]

Actually, it reads at most 511 bytes from a file into 'tmp', as
fgets() ensures the string is properly terminated.  However, your concern
remains correct because:

    point = tmp + strlen(tmp) - 1;

If we let strlen(tmp) be 511, then

    point = tmp + 511 - 1; /* => tmp + 510 */

and so

    *(point++) = '\r';
    *(point++) = '\n';
    *point = '\0';


    tmp[510] = '\r';
    tmp[511] = '\n';
    tmp[512] = '\0'; /* Oops! */

A trivial fix is to increase the size of buf by 1, which is probably the
solution I will (at least, initially) check in.  It's not a serious bug,
so I don't think it merits any considerable re-engineering of the code
around it.  Anyone have larger issues with this quick fix?


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