Re: [INFO] I have regret to inform this community

From: Yura Ushakhow (
Date: 07/15/02

Kevin Dethlefs wrote:
> I have reasons for quitting the coding on MUD's. Lets face it, MUDding is
> dying. A new MUD likely to hit it off would take an IMP years of expierence.


How odd. I was under expression that MUDs are GROWING, look at the
TMC data-base of the worlds.

Look at ActiveWorld and all the internet 3D-look RPG games.

With all respect I just can't believe in the statement about
dying MUDs. It's such a large area for exploring and searching
original ideas for building a MUD engine.

There are tons of interesting ideas about role-playing life of
people inside a MUD, social laws, psychology of interaction
between a human an the world...

I can't agree. :)

Yura Ushakhow <>
Moscow, Russia

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