Re: [code] showing all players in pfile

From: Thomas Arp (
Date: 08/13/02

From: "Peter d" <death_comes_to_all@HOTMAIL.COM>
> ACMD(do_players)
> {
>   char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
>   int i, count = 0;
>   *buf = 0;
>   for (i = 0; i < top_of_p_table; i++) {
>     sprintf(buf, "%s  %-20.20s", buf, (player_table + i)->name);
>     count++;
>     if (count == 3) {
>       count = 0;
>       strcat(buf, "\r\n");
>     }
>   }
>   page_string(ch->desc, buf, 1);
> }
> i am using bpl21..
This code has som problems, mainly regarding buffer overruns and
overlapping strings in sprintf()[1]. Try this (mailer code):

  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int i, count = 0, len = 0;
  *buf = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < top_of_p_table; i++)
    len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len,
           "  %-20.20s%s", player_table[i].name,
           (count++ % 3) ? "":"\r\n" );
  strncat(buf, "\r\n", sizeof(buf)-len-1);

  page_string(ch->desc, buf, 1);


[1] The practice of using
    sprintf(buf, "%s foo", buf);
    is dangerous, since, according to the glibc library definitions,
    the behaviour of overlapping strings is undefined:
"int sprintf (char *s, const char *template, ...)
 The behavior of this function is undefined if copying takes place
 between objects that overlap--for example, if s is also given as
 an argument to be printed under control of the %s conversion."

    Undefined behaviour is bad, since this means different compilers
    will behave differently with the results. In this case, they won't
    work with your compiler, but may with others.

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