On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 12:17:13AM +0200, Thomas Arp wrote: > I noticed a couple of the list contributors releasing patches > made against the latest CVS snapshot, and wondered if this is > a good idea? It has seemed to be to me thus far, but perhaps that is because I am the only one using them? I am basically maintaining these updated versions so that the circlemud-patched package from my unofficial Debian set can track core CVS just like the unpatched package does. > Pros: > The code which is the base for the patch is the most error-free[1] > stock circle available. > Everyone can download the latest CVS snapshots. That is why I have been tracking the CVS snapshots for my packages. In between snapshots I throw in intermediate bugfix patches (mostly one-liners) until the next snapshot comes out and (usually) fixes the various new bugs. > Cons: > A CVS snapshot is a working document.[2] > Not everyone will be able to find the correct version based on a > 10 digit version number. It's easier to find the official bpl21 > release, and it won't change - ever. Next release will be bpl22, > period[3]. > If you have a patch against a CVS snapshot, you may have problems > patching it against both the previous and the next official releases, > since some of the functions may be/have changed. Well, at the moment I am attempting to maintain the updated versions of these patches (specifically ASCII PFiles, DG Scripts and OasisOLC) synced each time the official patch maintainer or Circle core maintainers provide a new patch, release, snapshot, whatever. [snip] > [2] in practical use, a CVS snapshot will contain untested and perhaps > half unfinished code changes (->in_room => IN_ROOM() migration > springs to mind as a long trek). [clip] But so far those changes haven't resulted in un-runnable code. If it does I hold off on updating the patches until I can fix them or a fixed version becomes available. These patches are not meant to provide a completely stable codebase--just a means for others to test their modifications with proposed future versions of CircleMUD. I already do all this work myself (for my purposes I keep sequential patches for each major modification I require and update as new core and third-party patches become available). I figure it can't hurt to make them available to the community for testing. Someone might report back to me pointing out a bug I introduced, for example, saving me time and headache, or an official maintainer might find that by adapting a handful of functions to the next bpl prior to its release I have saved them some work (if I did it right, presumably). If this seems like a bad idea to anyone, is at odds with the goals of the maintainers, et cetera, by all means let me know either privately or via this list. I can always continue to do it for myself and stop circulating my unofficial adaptations if requested. -- { IRL(Jeremy_Stanley); PGP(9E8DFF2E4F5995F8FEADDC5829ABF7441FB84657); SMTP(fungi@yuggoth.org); IRC(fungi@irc.yuggoth.org#ccl); ICQ(114362511); AIM(dreadazathoth); YAHOO(crawlingchaoslabs); FINGER(fungi@yuggoth.org); MUD(Nergel@mud.yuggoth.org:2325); WWW(http://fungi.yuggoth.org/); } -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | | Newbie List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle-newbies/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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