On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 04:24:37PM +0200, Templar Viper wrote: >Ok, this subject might be a little offtopic, but knowing that there are probably alot of >linux guru's around here that are running CircleMud, I'll give it a try anyway. :) It's been discussed here before.. >I've recently installed Redhat linux 7.0, whereas I was using cygwin before on my not 7.3? >windows '98 system. Now one of my question is, what are the best settings for running >circlemud in linux? I would like it to start circlemud when booted, I've tried putting >commands in some startup scripts, but the problem is that most of these wait untill the >autorun script is finished before continueing. You almost have it right, just append a ' &' at the end of the line running the script (this'll return immediately and put the task into the background. The problem with running it this way, (assuming you aren't using su/sudo to run the script) is that your mud is now running as root. This is a VeryBadThing (see below). > Are there more things I should be aware of running a mud? I've put up a firewall, is that >enough? Well, for added security, you might want to make a new restricted user (something like "mud" or "mudadmin" or whatever), and run it that way, something like, say, "su - mud -c bin/autorun.pl &" in rc.local. I'm not a fan of that though, I find it easier to just log in as the mud account, "nohup bin/autorun.pl &" and logout. I don't know of any exploitable buffer overflows in circle (compiling with -Wformat=2 screams quite a lot though), it tends to crash instead. Also, do NOT run it as root (well, unless you really know what you're doing and you NEED to bind to a privileged port, then you still need to drop root privs ASAP). In any case you should NOT be running as root during the normal operation/playing of the mud. As for firewall, you should be running one anyway. Make sure the mud port is open or you won't be getting many players. -me -- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | FAQ: http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | | Archives: http://post.queensu.ca/listserv/wwwarch/circle.html | | Newbie List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle-newbies/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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