Re: Autoexits problem

From: Mike Stilson (
Date: 09/10/02

On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 09:48:24PM -0400, Mike Stilson wrote:

Hate replying to myself, but I forgot to tell you to check *buf:

>>         sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %s(Closed),", capdirs[door]);
>>       else
>>         sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %s,", capdirs[door]);
>>     }
+    if(*buf) /* Since *buf = '\0' above, if it isn't, then we've written to it. */
+      buf(strlen(buf)-1) = '\0';  /* Smash the comma which is the last char in buf */
-    sprintf(buf2, "&cExits:%s.&n\r\n", ((*buf) ? buf : " None"));
+    send_to_char(ch, "&cExits:%s.&n\r\n", (*buf)?buf:"None")); /* Don't need buf2 for this */


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