Re: Ugh? (In db.c)

From: Bill Pascoe (
Date: 11/06/02

\I noticed this piece of code in db.c, in parse_mob:
\#ifdef CIRCLE_ACORN /* Ugh. */
 \ if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %d %s", f1, f2, t + 2, &letter) != 4) {
  \if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %d %c", f1, f2, t + 2, &letter) != 4) {
  \  log("SYSERR: Format error after string section of mob #%d\n"
 \"...expecting line of form '# # # {S | E}'", nr);
  \  exit(1);
\What is the meaning of this?

It looks like your mob loading file. in other words it reads your mob files and creates the mobs in the game.

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