Re: Treating a character string array pointer as a stream

From: Ronald Fenner (
Date: 12/02/02

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 05:01  PM, Tseran wrote:

> get_line() and fread_string() functions.  Is this possible, or would I
> have to re-write those functions to get that capability.  Any help
> would be appreciated, as this is something I have never even tried to
> attempt before.
> --
you would need to rewrite them since they expect to have a file passed
to them to read some data from, though you could always modify them to
have either a string buffer or a file passed to them to get the data
from. passing a string buffer you would just need to skip the reading
from the file and possible copy the amount of data being read at a time
from the string that was passed.

i would suggest you make a copy of the  2 functions and modify them to
take a string buffer rather than file and give them a new name maybe
like str_get_line() that way you don't have to modify all the current
function calls to fit the new scheme.


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