Re: [Code] do_set - name changing and log output.

From: Paolo Greco (
Date: 12/12/02

Jeremy M. wrote:

> Paolo Wrote:
> But that's not the point =)
> I think that you should study sprintf a little more...
> -----+ Snip +------
> Actually I pretty much know sprintf backwards, forwards, sideways, up and
> down, and inside out. The code wasn't done by me originally and the mud
> source isn't my own.  I'm helping out a relative whom also runs a MUD
> project, she lost both her coders and it pretty much screwed her
> royally so
> soon to the second opening of a newer version of her very old mud. My
> original question stands, is there a more efficient and less time
> consuming
> way to display the old name, new name and actor's name in a syslog
> string?

Yup, do the sprintf before changing the name =)
Sorry about the "RTFM", but it seemed the tipical "i'm a c0d3r but I
can't program"... sorry again =(

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