Re: [CODE] looking for help with buffers and stuff

From: brian stewart (
Date: 01/27/03

Im running the circlemud 3.1 w goodies bundle from the developer site... this is copy pasted from my own src after I debugged all the buffers.. hope it helps : )-

  struct obj_data *item_found = '\0';
  int item_no = 18650; /* Initialize with first item poss. */
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   if(GET_MOVE(ch) < 100)
    send_to_char(ch , "You do not have enough energy right now.\r\n");
    return; }
  if(SECT(ch->in_room) != SECT_FIELD && SECT(ch->in_room) != SECT_FOREST && SECT(ch->in_room)
  != SECT_HILLS && SECT(ch->in_room) != SECT_MOUNTAIN  && SECT(ch->in_room) )
    send_to_char(ch , "You cannot forage on this type of terrain!\r\n");
    return; }
  if(GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_FORAGE) <= 0)
       send_to_char(ch,"You have no idea how to forage!\r\n");
     return; }
     send_to_char(ch , "You start searching the area for signs of food.\r\n");
     act("$n starts foraging the area for food.\r\n", FALSE, ch,  0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   if(rand_number(1,101) > GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_FORAGE))
     GET_MOVE(ch) -= (100 - GET_LEVEL(ch));
     send_to_char(ch , "\r\nYou have no luck finding anything to eat.\r\n");
    switch (rand_number(1,7))
     case 1:
      item_no = 18650; break;  /*<--- Here are the objects you need to code */
     case 2:                   /* Add more or remove some, just change the */
      item_no = 18651; break;  /* switch(number(1, X) */
     case 3:
      item_no = 18652; break;
     case 4:
      item_no = 18653; break;
     case 5:
      item_no = 18654; break;
     case 6:
      item_no = 18655; break;
     case 7:
      item_no = 18656; break;
   WAIT_STATE( ch, PULSE_VIOLENCE * 2);  /* Not really necessary */
   GET_MOVE(ch) -= (150 - GET_LEVEL(ch));
   item_found = read_object( item_no, VIRTUAL);
   obj_to_char(item_found, ch);
   sprintf(buf, "You have found %s!\r\n",  item_found->short_description);
   send_to_char(ch , buf);
   act("$n has found something in his forage attempt.\r\n", FALSE, ch , 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

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