Re: [code][newbie] aedit format?

From: Michael Toomey (
Date: 02/17/03

> here's the code from where the error is given in
>   /* now read 'em */
>   for (;;) {
>     fscanf(fl, " %s ", next_soc);
>     if (*next_soc == '$')
>       break;
>     if (fscanf(fl, " %s %d %d %d %d \n",
>                 sorted, &hide, &min_char_pos, &min_pos, &min_lvl) != 5) {
>       log("SYSERR: format error in social file near social '%s'",
>       exit(1);
>     }
Doesn't this say hey were looking for 5 args in this line?

If so then when you write the social to file your writting too many args.
> heres the social made from aedit making a social ingame:

> ~doh doh 0 0 0 0   <----- I count 6 args.... could be wrong tho but this
is where it looks like problem is.

> You smack $n on the forehead.
> $N smacks $n on the forehead.

Siath L'Stat

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