Re: [CODE] SW Spaceflight System

From: Mythran (
Date: 03/15/03

> ==================================================================
> = Current Position: (X 09  Y 09  Z 100)         Sector: 006      =
> ==================================================================
> Ships in immediate vicinity:
> (2) [ Incom T-65B X-wing ] ( Bravo 2)(Bravo 3)
> (3) [ SFS Tie Fighter ] (Imperial 1)(Imperial 2)(Imperial 3)
> Enter a Command:
> The basic idea is to have an Ascii based map for spaceflight and travel
> however the actual individual coordinates will only be called upon if
> someone is occupying that particular coordinate and/or a planet or fixed
> item assigned in olc resides there.  Originally I was told this type of
> system not only wouldn't work but wasn't even a remotely cool idea, but
> imho I think the system is great and it should be utilized.
> If anyone out there in Circle land finds this idea to be one which holds
> interest and they are a true to the word programmer which would like to
> help, I'm in need of such a person and such a team. :P

Wow, this closely resembles an old bbs game.  I can't remember the name of
it and I don't remember it being on any other bbs's that ran on other
operating systems besides the AMIGA.  I wish I could remember  though :(


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