Re: [CODE] Take and Extra Descriptions

From: Adam Scriven (
Date: 04/30/03

On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 07:06:16PM -0500, Ken Ray wrote:
> Your suggestion is one way.  But I don't want these dummy items to be listed
> when someone types in "look".  I want people to actually read the room
> descriptions and **think**.

This brings up a question that I have had for a long time.  Would it be possible to
build the descriptions of the rooms, based on the actual contents?  That way the
list would be gone, and you'd have to read the description to get all the information.

There would need to be some base stuff that's there all the time, obviously, but if
someone sees a sign in the description, and someone takes/destroys it, then the
description should change so the sign's not there, or it's broken, or whatever.

Characters/Mobs should be in there too, of course.
So instead of this:

The Temple Square
   You are standing on the temple square.  Huge marble steps lead up to the
temple gate.  The entrance to the Clerics' Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east.  Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.
[ Exits: n e s w ]
A large fountain carved from blue-streaked marble is here, bubbling merrily. ..It glows yellow!
A Peacekeeper is standing here, ready to jump in at the first sign of trouble.

You'd see this:
The Temple Square
   You are standing on the temple square.  Huge marble steps lead north and up to the
temple gate.  The entrance to the Clerics' Guild is to the west, and the old
Grunting Boar Inn is to the east.  Just south of here you see the market
square, the center of Midgaard.  A large fountain carved from blue-streaked marble is
here, bubbling merrily. It glows yellow!  A Peacekeeper is standing here, ready to jump
in at the first sign of trouble.

Not exactly like that, at least not in my mind. :) It should read better, not be such
an obvious cut-n-paste, IMNSHO.

Just an idea, wondering what everyone thinks about it.

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