Chris Jacobson's World File Format
News Posted Thursday, March 4th @ 04:47:47 PM, by George Greer in the C++ dept.
Chris Jacobson has written a world parser in C++ that that mimics the format of the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon 8.x configuration file. If you've never seen the format, click the link below. It's still in testing stages but he'd like to get it distributed and tested a bit more. So if your MUD is C++ and you're looking for a friendlier world file format with included sample (God Complex), give it a look.

Mobile Example

#1224 = {
        name = "angel";
        short = "a loving angel";
        long = "An angel of peace is here, floating above a calm lake.\n";
        desc = "Nothing.\n";
        sex = Neutral;
        race = other;
        level = 99;
        armor = 999;
        hp = 30d100+30000;
        damage = 30d100+50;
        attack = blast;
        hitroll = 50;
        position = standing;
        defposition = standing;
        flags = { SENTINEL ISNPC AWARE };
        affects = { DET-INVIS SENSE-LIFE };
        points = {
                str = 100;
                agi = 100;
                int = 100;
                per = 100;
                con = 100;

Room Example

#1205 = {
        name = "The E-mail database";
        desc = "`wThis newly built post office appears to have been built slight ly more user\n
friendly.  Should you have problems with your Mail, you should alert the Aliens\n
vs.  Predator staff as fast as possable, so they can assist you with your\nproblem.   'n\n
To `F`RSend e-mail`f`n to someone, you would Type: `F`REMAIL (players name)`f`n\n";
        sector = Inside;
        flags = { INDOORS PEACEFUL * };
        exits = {
                east = {
                        keyword = "door";
                        desc = "The Immortal Board Room is just to the east.\n";
                        key = -1;
                        room = 1204;

<< Database Parser 2 v0.1 | Reply | Flattened | Compression support >>


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George Greer
Chris Jacobson
give it a look
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