![]() Matthew Williams writes, ' Some of you may remember the Ebon Mists post which describe heavy modifications to Circle as such: Room rnums no longer exist. Everything is done through pointers and vnums. 'Nuff said.' I, being the insane programmer I am, hacked up CircleMUD so room rnums are no longer there (excluding the typedef room_rnum (now it's struct room_data * instead of sh_int); and also room_rnum, which is now simply an interface to world_vnum[], which returns pointers to all your favorite rooms given their vnums.) You can download (1.25MB approx.) this modified version of circle3.0bpl15, known as amaurosismid0.1 (which also includes buffer, color, oasis 2.0 and a few other patches i wrote myself, like loadable modules and alterable cmd_info[]) at: http://www.delanet.com/~arctor/amaurmud0.1.tar.gz Have fun! Feel free to redistribute, modify, send bug reports (to orangesquid@hotmail.com), etc.... it seem to be pretty stable and not have any obvious memory leaks, but if you find any, send me an e-mail, and I'll be more than happy to post a fix. << AFK Version 2.5 [by Hellfire] | Reply | Threaded | Non-specproc ATM Code w/Improvement [by Melissa Jadwinski] >>