Enhanced damage skill [by Gerold Fisher]
Snippet Posted Thursday, December 2nd @ 05:39:19 PM, by George Greer in the Players dept.
Gerold Fisher writes, "I wanted to give fighters a percentage chance to double the amount of damage they did per hit. This is how i did it, really simple i know, but i never claimed to be the world's greatest coder."
in int damage:
/* if players know enhanced damage, give  chance to double damage */
  percent = number(1, 101);     /* 101% is a complete failure */
    dam *= 2;
** i simply stuck this under the check for 
aff_sanctuary **
also, make sure you add a } right before
dam = MAX(MIN(dam, 100), 0);

after that you simply set it up as you would any other skill, adding a define in spells.h and of course in the array in spell_parser.c etc. etc. etc. I know there isn't much to this code, but perhaps it will give someone what they are looking for.


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This is ugly:P
by Jerry Fisher (cainers@wolfpaw.net) on Tuesday, July 17th @ 11:54:34 AM
If anyone actually used this in the last year and a half i would like to apologize. It is simply hideous. I would instead suggest you do something like this:

in damage:

number(1, 101) GET_SKILL(ch,SKILL_ENHANCE_DAM))
dam *= 2;

then of course you would define the skill in spells.h etc etc etc.

Again, sorry for how sloppy and just plain wrong this code was to begin with. I really had no clue what i was doing at the time.
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