![]() Brad Hegel writes, 'Originally by Taerin of Wintermute. I take no credit for this as i just rewrote it a little to get it too work better.' Worth command Originally by Taerin of Wintermute. I take no credit for this as i just rewrote it a little to get it too work better. Just put this in act.informative.c don't forget to add the stuff to interpreter.c for it /*Worth command by Taerin of Wintermute*/ ACMD(do_worth) { if (!IS_NPC(ch) && (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT)) { sprintf(buf1, "You have %d gp on hand and %d gp in the bank.\r\n", GET_GOLD(ch), GET_BANK_GOLD(ch)); send_to_char(buf, ch) sprintf(buf, "You have %d experience.\r\n", GET_EXP(ch)); send_to_char(buf, ch) sprintf(buf, "You need %d exp to reach your next level.\r\n", level_exp(GET_CLASS(ch), GET_LEVEL(ch) + 1) - GET_EXP(ch)); send_to_char(buf, ch) } else { sprintf(buf1, "You have %d gp on hand and %d gp in the bank.\r\n", GET_GOLD(ch), GET_BANK_GOLD(ch)); send_to_char(buf,ch); } return; } << FTP Uploads 2000//0/6/ | Reply | Flattened >>