By Abraham Dizon (Hero) of Lost Universe of Xenon MUD ( New Email for LUXMUD is going to be added here later. Disclaimer: Read everything here before continuing on, as you see that I will not be held responsible for any damages dealt to your MUD by using this code. What this puppy does: This New Autoexit #6 on the CircleMUD website I think its #6 heheh, replaces the stock Circle Autoexits with a kickass and execellent look. Instead of seeing this [ Exits: n s e w u d ] it will look like better like this [ Exits: (N)orth (S)outh (E)ast (W)est (U)p (D)own ] The letter in the captial letters mean that the exits or exit is open. Now to know if the exits are closed, it would look like this: [ Exits: (n)orth (s)outh (e)ast (w)est (u)p (d)own ] The letter in the lower case letters means the exits or exit is closed. What if an exit or exits are closed you ask? Okay here's an example, lets say north, south, and east are closed, and west, up, and down are open. It would look like this [ Exits: (n)orth (s)outh (e)ast (W)est (U)p (D)own ] Got the idea? Also I am going to work on adding hidden exits to my next Autoexit Code. If you don't then don't use this as you will keep pondering. Now to the replacing! What you need: act.informative.c -- to replace the void do_auto_exits(struct char_data *ch) --- This make look a little strange to some people, but I found it most comfortable and helpful in knowing if the exits or exit is open or closed. In stock Circle's own you couldn't even see the damn exits that were closed. I fixed that problem though in my autoexit code. Okay this is what you do. Somewhere around 40 or 50 lines from the top of act.informative.c, drop in this just after the externs: /* ************************************************************************ * Part of Abraham Dizon's Autoexit Code, just add this after the externs * * The "(" and ")" tell the immortals and players if the exit is open or * * closed. Upper case means open "(N)". Lower case means close "(n)". * * One last thing, put me in the credits atleast to show that you used my * * code. Thanks. * * * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 by the Trustees of the SquareMUD Team * * SquareMUD is based on CircleMUD that is a derivative of DikuMUD, * * Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ const char *singledirs[] = { "(N)orth", "(E)ast", "(S)outh", "(W)est", "(U)p", "(D)own", "(N)ortheast", "(S)outheast", "(S)outhwest", "(N)orthwest", "\n" }; const char *closedirs[] = { "(n)orth", "(e)ast", "(s)outh", "(w)est", "(u)p", "(d)own", "(n)ortheast", "(s)outheast", "(s)outhwest", "(n)orthwest", "\n" }; Then find void do_auto_exits(struct char_data * ch) and replace it with this: /* Abraham Dizon's Autoexit Code, replace current autoexits with this.*/ void do_auto_exits(struct char_data * ch) { int door; *buf = '\0'; if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_BLIND)) { send_to_char("You can't see a damned thing, you're blind!\r\n", ch); return; } for (door = 0; door < NUM_OF_DIRS; door++) { if (EXIT(ch, door) && EXIT(ch, door)->to_room != NOWHERE && !IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) { sprintf(buf2, " &c%s&n", singledirs[door]); strcat(buf, CAP(buf2)); } else if (EXIT(ch, door) && EXIT(ch, door)->to_room != NOWHERE && IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) { sprintf(buf2, " &K&c%1s&K&n", closedirs[door]); if (IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exit_info, EX_LOCKED)) strcat(buf2, "&K&n"); if (IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exit_info, EX_PICKPROOF)) strcat(buf2, "&K&n"); strcat(buf2, ""); strcat(buf, CAP(buf2)); } } sprintf(buf2, "%s[ Exits: %s &c]&n%s\r\n", CCCYN(ch, C_NRM), *buf ? buf : "None!", CCNRM(ch, C_NRM)); send_to_char(buf2, ch); } ****************** End of Autoexit Code. Do not include this!! ****************** Tested: This was fully tested on Circlemud30bpl17 on Windows 95 using latest version of Cygwin. Last Words: If you have any questions or comments about my code, please email me at No hate, flame, spam, email please. Also if you encounter any bugs or ideas for making this piece or any piece of code that I have done, email me at Good luck and have fun! - Hero