From: Christian Duvall Subject: Addition to vwear I added this because I wanted to see keys, lights, etc. So while I was at it I did the majority of item types :) I give full credit to WarRat and Chris Jacobson I merely added a new option to the already wonderful command. Please email me if you use this, like or hate one way or the other. Thank you. in db.h void vwear_obj(int type, struct char_data * ch); in db.c void vwear_obj(int type, struct char_data * ch) { int nr, found =0; for (nr = 0; nr <= top_of_objt; nr++) { if (GET_OBJ_TYPE(&obj_proto[nr]) == type) { sprintf(buf, "%3d. [%5d] %s\r\n", ++found, obj_index[nr].virtual, obj_proto[nr].short_description); send_to_char(buf, ch); } } } in act.wizard.c replace do_vwear with or add what I remarked ACMD(do_vwear) { one_argument(argument, buf); if (!*buf) { send_to_char("Usage: vwear \r\n" "Wear positions are:\r\n" "finger neck body head legs feet hands\r\n" "shield arms about waist wrist wield hold\r\n" "------------------------------------------------------\r\n" "Item types are:\r\n" "light scroll wand staff treasure armour \r\n" /* show types */ "potion worn other trash container liquid \r\n" "key food money pen boat fountain\r\n", ch); return; } if (is_abbrev(buf, "finger")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_FINGER, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "neck")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_NECK, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "body")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_BODY, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "head")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_HEAD, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "legs")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_LEGS, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "feet")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_FEET, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "hands")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_HANDS, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "arms")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_ARMS, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "shield")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "about body")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "waist")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_WAIST, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "wrist")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_WRIST, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "wield")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_WIELD, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "hold")) vwear_object(ITEM_WEAR_HOLD, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "light")) /* Start of new vwear- Item types */ vwear_obj(ITEM_LIGHT, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "scroll")) vwear_obj(ITEM_SCROLL, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "wand")) vwear_obj(ITEM_WAND, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "staff")) vwear_obj(ITEM_STAFF, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "treasure")) vwear_obj(ITEM_TREASURE, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "armor")) vwear_obj(ITEM_ARMOR, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "potion")) vwear_obj(ITEM_POTION, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "worn")) vwear_obj(ITEM_WORN, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "other")) vwear_obj(ITEM_OTHER, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "trash")) vwear_obj(ITEM_TRASH, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "container")) vwear_obj(ITEM_CONTAINER, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "liquid")) vwear_obj(ITEM_DRINKCON, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "key")) vwear_obj(ITEM_KEY, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "food")) vwear_obj(ITEM_FOOD, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "money")) vwear_obj(ITEM_MONEY, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "pen")) vwear_obj(ITEM_PEN, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "boat")) vwear_obj(ITEM_BOAT, ch); else if (is_abbrev(buf, "fountain")) vwear_obj(ITEM_FOUNTAIN, ch); else send_to_char("Possible positions are:\r\n" "Wear positions are:\r\n" "finger neck body head legs feet hands\r\n" "shield arms about waist wrist wield hold\r\n" "------------------------------------------------------\r\n" /* new t ypes */ "Item types are:\r\n" "light scroll wand staff treasure armour \r\n" "potion worn other trash container liquid \r\n" "key food money pen boat fountain\r\n", ch); } Christian Duvall -take no responsibility for damage, crash, blah blah by use of this snippet. Works perfect for my couple muds and it was cut and pasted.