From: The Ready *2* Die? Staff Subject: Recall Snippet /****************************************************************************** * do_recall By:The staff of Reday *2* Die? MUD * *act.other.c interpreter.c Here ya go! a new recall snipp. * ******************************************************************************/ This snippet is for Free recall for players. It gives you a messga ewhen you recall. You can change the ones below if you like. Here are the directions. /* Insert in act.other.c */ ACMD(do_recall) { extern sh_int r_mortal_start_room[NUM_STARTROOMS +1]; int who; if (ROOM_FLAGGED(ch->in_room,ROOM_ARENA)) return; who=number(1,3); switch(who) { case 1: send_to_char("\r\nBosstone snaps his fingers and returns you to your home!\ r\n",ch); send_to_char("You feel a great warmth as Bosstone looks over you!\r\n\r\n", ch); break; case 2: send_to_char("\r\nQuick snags you up and runs you quickly home!\r\n",ch); send_to_char("You sure feel dizzy!\r\n\r\n",ch); break; case 3: send_to_char("\r\nEmbler whistles softly as the crystal dragon scoops you\r \n",ch); send_to_char("up. He takes you to safety and flies away!\r\n\r\n",ch); break; } act("$n disappears in a puff of smoke!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); char_from_room(ch); char_to_room(ch,r_mortal_start_room[GET_HOME(ch)]); act("$n appears in the middle of the room.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); look_at_room(ch, 0); } /* Insert in interpreter.c */ ACMD(do_recall); and also { "recall" , POS_STANDING, do_recall ,0, }, Well thats it. so have fun with it. -The Ready *2* Die? MUD Staff (Bosstone, Embler, Quick, CyberMan)